Just another single dad trying to raise a son in this crazy world. Read about our ups and downs ... and adventures ... as we try to grow up together.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Moments like these...

In just three short years I have cleaned up Wyatt’s mishaps more times than I can count. Puke from the car seat, floor of the car, his clothes, his bed, my bed. It’s my thought Wyatt was allergic to something last winter so he vomited numerous times. So many he knew when it was coming and would tell me so. After a while it didn’t really bother me too bad. Except one night at dinner, we had just sat down and no sooner finished our prayer when Wyatt hurled all in his plate. Neither of us ate our dinner that night. We never figured out what it was that made him sick but fortunately he got over it.

Then there’s the other end. Wyatt unfortunately has been tough to potty train. The peeing part went pretty well all though he still misses the toilet. But the bowel movements have been a little tougher to get under control. Lot’s of people have said’ “Oh boys are just harder to train.” Then I ask how well their son took to it and it’s, “Well my son was trained at two!” Thanks just what I wanted to hear. But truth is he’s getting much better but last week I got a surprise. I had put Wyatt in the tub and left for just a few minutes while he played with his bath toys. When I returned, he looked up at me and said, “Daddy…can you put this piece of pooh in the potty for me?” Yeah, I shook my head and laughed too! What else could I do but tell him please don’t do that again.

Then there was last weekend when we went to Target, Wyatt is not a good shopper. He loves the carts that have the plastic seat area but he uses very little of the seat. After numerous times of pleading with him to sit down Wyatt said, “Daddy I love you.” There was an older gentleman near by that heard Wyatt. I could see the smile on his face. I said’ “I love you too, son.” If Wyatt only knew at that moment he could have had any toy in the store...I’d be broke right now, wait a minute...I am!

Yes, it’s a laugh a minute...later that same weekend we were going to a local arcade and restaurant with an enormous amount of games. However, before we were to leave I told Wyatt we needed to take a nap. He said sure and laid down with his blanket and pillow on the living room floor and me on the couch. Thirty minutes later I woke to see Wyatt playing. He gave me a devilish grin. I said, “I thought you were supposed to be asleep?” To which he answered, “I told you I was done napping but ….you didn’t here me.” We went to the arcade where Wyatt had a blast and on the way to the car he said, “Daddy that was great fun!” and laid his head on my shoulder from exhaustion of playing so hard…. and no nap.

Each and every moment I have with my son is a true blessing and I thank God everyday for the gift I call “Wyatt.”

As I went down to the river to pray
Studying about that good old way
And who shall wear the robe and crown
Good Lord show me the way
By Allison Krauss

Friday, January 12, 2007

Helpful tips I have learned by necessity...

I thought I would share some things a parent should know whether you’re a parent for the first time or maybe on your own without the backup of a spouse.

· Buy a book about healthcare for your child’s age. When he wakes up in the middle of the night sick you’ll be better prepared to know what to do.
· Stock up. Keep some liquid Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen around for pain and fever and cough medicine for when they are congested. Bandaids are a must (Wyatt prefers the Cars ones – of course) and an antibiotic ointment. The last thing you’ll want to do is to take your sick child along to the local pharmacy. When your child is sick keep in mind how you feel when your sick and you’ll have a better understanding of what he’s going through.
· Read up on what to expect out of your child socially. An only child may be less likely to share his toys with others if he has never had anyone to share them with. Learn where your child should be mentally for his age. ABC’s, 123’s, Hot from Cold, Left from Right. Your Church may have a faith based magazine strictly covering parenting. These are the only ones I’ve seen that actually include information specifically for fathers as well.
· Forget what you were told about cleaning your plate at dinner. If he ate all his breakfast he’s probably not going to be all that hungry at lunch or even dinner. His stomach isn’t as big as yours so put small portions on his plate. You can always add more and if he isn’t really hungry leave the plate on the table. When he asks for a treat later have him eat some of his dinner first. Don’t make as big deal about it as your parents might have.

I guess here is where I should put something about this list not being created by a professional, etc., etc. In reality, I don’t believe there is any such thing as “professional” parents anyway. I think we are all just working through things, one day at a time, the best we can.

Good luck and God Bless.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

My Whole Life!

Wyatt came home on New Years Eve and I got the big hug I had been waiting for all week! I know he loves me but I can’t help worrying that one of these days when he returns from his mother’s he might shun me like he has her in the past. So far so good.
I did get a great laugh on New Years day when Wyatt said “Daddy, you know what I’ve wanted my whole life?” His whole life? Pretty big statement for a 3 year old!
I laugh every time I think about it. Wyatt wants a TV that looks like a car from a movie he loves.
New Years day was a good time for reflection. I finally put together a scrap book I had bought nearly a year ago. All the pictures, movie stubs and event tickets we had collected over the year. I measured Wyatt’s height, which visually seems to grow by a foot every day. It was a good year for us and as we lay down that night, after reading a few stories, we both thanked God for the year and all it brought us and asked only the New Year be as fruitful as the last one had been.