Just another single dad trying to raise a son in this crazy world. Read about our ups and downs ... and adventures ... as we try to grow up together.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Share the Love

Am I the only one in the world asking this question...the one question that comes to mind every holiday, every other weekend, every time Wyatt leaves to spend time with his mother...“How do you share the one thing you cherish most with the one person you care for the least?”

Think about it. If youre not divorced or have never been in a divorced family the question probably breezes right through your head. So give it some thought. It’s not easy. I hate it. But it’s not about me and it’s not about my ex. It’s about Wyatt. It’s his life. To deprive him completely of a relationship with his mother - even if she’s not the best - isn’t right, especially at Christmas. I’ll let him judge her on his own someday. For now I thank God for what he has given me, for the smiles I received from Wyatt as he opened his gifts and for making me a better person, a better father.

I’ll keep busy today and for the rest of the week. The music is turned up to break the ear piercing sound of silence. The phone will ring unanswered because I’d rather not be bothered and I will tend to the chores I have put off for sometime.
On a day that’s meant for family and friends… I’ll spend mine alone.

Rodney Atkins


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came across your blog by chance. Spelled "blog+love" and it just popped up. All I can hope is that you find a way to fill the gap there still is in your life, in spite of your son.
We're all looking for love and there seems to be no guide for acchieving it. I don't have any children, I'm young, beautiful, intelligent, I have a great job doing what I always dreamed, I'm always smiling and being witty and nice to others. All in all, I'm a good person and one would think a stereotype such as myself wouldn't have any problem finding love... Well, wrong. It is very hard. Probably the hardest. Being at peace with yourself, learning to forgive the past and apreciate all that's still to come.
All I really wanted to say is that your words sunk in, and I just hope (really, really hard) that you mean eachone, and live up to them.
Be aware that it is possible life won't award you with anything - soon or ever - and that's why you MUST enjoy the ride.

Best wishes.

P.S.: please, forgive my misspelling. I'm portuguese and my english could be better.

8:38 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came across your blog by chance. Spelled "blog+love" and it just popped up. All I can hope is that you find a way to fill the gap there still is in your life, in spite of your son.
We're all looking for love and there seems to be no guide for acchieving it. I don't have any children, I'm young, beautiful, intelligent, I have a great job doing what I always dreamed, I'm always smiling and being witty and nice to others. All in all, I'm a good person and one would think a stereotype such as myself wouldn't have any problem finding love... Well, wrong. It is very hard. Probably the hardest. Being at peace with yourself, learning to forgive the past and apreciate all that's still to come.
All I really wanted to say is that your words sunk in, and I just hope (really, really hard) that you mean eachone, and live up to them.
Be aware that it is possible life won't award you with anything - soon or ever - and that's why you MUST enjoy the ride.

Best wishes.

P.S.: please, forgive my misspelling. I'm portuguese and my english could be better.

8:41 AM

Blogger Stepping Over the Junk said...

"How do you share the one thing you cherish most with the one person you care for the least?"

I just grit my teeth and thank him silently that he had a part in their conception (so that we have the kids in our lives) and thank him silently that the kids are excited to go to his place for the weekend and never call home missing me or not wanting to be with their dad, because THAT would kill me.

Of course, there are days I just hate him and wish he would go away. And then I thank him silently for sending child support on time and signing the divorce papers so we can all just carry on.

4:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for that insightful perspective. It's good to be reminded every once in a while that while they may be "the person you care for the least", they did contribute to the beautiful miracle that was created!

5:42 PM


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