Just another single dad trying to raise a son in this crazy world. Read about our ups and downs ... and adventures ... as we try to grow up together.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

People Prayer

Wyatt and I pray together at dinner and before bed every day. It’s taken two years for him to join in on our praying. When he was two or so, prayer was something he didn’t have time for and wasn’t interested in, but now he usually says the dinner prayer on his own - one he learned from day care. It’s always cute to hear a child pray, something about the innocence of it I guess.

Our bed time prayer usually starts with a traditional child’s prayer like “now I lay me down to sleep” and follows with praying for family members and thankfulness for what God has given us. Last night as we finished his child’s prayer I gave him a kiss, said good night and started to leave the room when Wyatt stopped me and asked “What about the people prayer?” I turned quickly and knelt beside Wyatt’s bed and we gave thanks for the day God had given us and asked that he smile upon Grandma and Popo and Sissy.

And with one last kiss good night, I turned the lights down low, and then I heard the words every parent longs to hear at the end of the day, “I love you Dad!”
Thank you Lord.


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